Certifications Licences

All companies operating along with NORTH AEGEAN SLOPS S.A., under the current management, provide their integrated services in a trustworthy, responsible and excellent quality, conforming to the standards of:

  • Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015
  • Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015
  • Health & Safety Management System ELOT 1801/OHSAS 18001
  • Social Accountability Management system SA 8000:2014
  • Ships Waste and Cargo Residues Receival Services Management system ISO 16304:2013

NORTH AEGEAN SLOPS is committed to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner, delivering successful and sustainable services and solutions. We endeavor to protect and care for the welfare and development of our employees, the environment, our customers and the local communities in which we operate. Our aim is to be transparent in every area of our business. To this end we ensure that we comply with legal requirements and conduct our activities fairly and with integrity.

The controlling Authorities, such as the Prefecture of Thessaloniki, have recognized the company’s demonstrated environmental responsibility and qualitative services. Achievement of such efforts constitutes the AWARD granted to our company in 2007, which act in parallel as a business and moral reward of our sustainable operation.

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