Supply of special missions vehicles

The company North Aegean Slops S.A. completed the delivery of four Polaris MRZR Special Purpose Vehicles (, as part of the modernization of our country’s Special Forces.

It is about the supply of 4 special missions- operations vehicles, for the execution of the special missions of the Army Units, in the context of conducting and completing an electronic, open, public tender (Proclamation No: 48/21), announced by the SUPREME MILITARY ARMY SUPPORT COMMAND.

North Aegean Slops S.A. is the supplier company of the Hellenic Armed Forces for the above vehicles, having entered into an exclusive partnership with the manufacturer Polaris UK, regarding items and materials that serve the needs of the Greek Army Units.

In a second phase, and specifically, from Monday September 5th until Wednesday September 14th 2022, the relevant training was carried out for the Officers of the Special Warfare Command (DEP) of the GEETHA in respect to operation and maintenance of the newly acquired POLARIS MRZR Special Mission Vehicles conducted be trainers’ Team of the manufacturing company.