PYROLWASTE project (Application of the pyrolysis technology for industrial and hazardous waste management) was included in the Single RTDI State Aid Action “RESEARCH-CREATIVITY-INNOVATION”, into section 4 “Environment and Sustainable Development”, and particularly, in sub-section 4.4 “Industrial and toxic waste management”, with emphasis on material recovery, re-use, energy recovery and the optimization of hazardous waste management processes.
The project started in May 2018 and was completed, after an extension, in May 2021.
The main purpose of the project was the development of a relatively innovative method of managing specific streams of industrial and hazardous waste using a pyrolysis furnace.
The targets of the project were achieved and are the following:
- Supporting research and acquiring know-how in the management of specific BA streams with pyrolysis furnace.
- The study of the effect of the raw material and the pyrolysis conditions on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the produced residues and by-products (eg biochar, oil, steam, hot water, scrap, exhaust gas).
- Exploring the possibilities for further exploitation of the residues and by-products produced.
- Exploring the feasibility of direct investment in a relatively innovative industrial waste management infrastructure.
- Exploitation of business potential and new opportunities in the field of industrial waste management.